Thursday 17 October 2013

Food Inc.

For anyone who is interested, has spare time and hasn't already seen this:

Food Inc. (2008) by Robert Kenner is a brilliant, disturbing and eye-opening movie about modern day food industry. This movie goes right to the heart of American corporate food industry and investigates how modern food is unhealthy and harmful for the environment. I must warn you, this might put you off meat for a while or change the way you think about food!



  1. hmmmmm.. indeed a weirdly interesting movie ;)

  2. Is all about supply and demand, if you don't have the demand then there won't be these bad food around. I would say blame yourself before blaming the corporations. However, I do think the government should take more responsibility!

  3. Hi Bertha and Philippe! Good point Philippe, the 'Food Inc' is very closely focused on the mistakes of the corporations and maybe undermining the role of us. But it is increasingly evident that the government is the one who is promoting these agricultural industries by subsidies and leaving little chance for sustainable farming to compete. This leaves us little choice in our supermarkets...So yes, it is a very controversial debate: which came first the egg or the chicken (in this case industry or demand).
